School  »  Members of Staff

Teaching Staff
Support Staff
Miss Webster (Mon-Thu)
Miss Wisher (Fri)
Miss Williamson
Miss Diegbe
Year 1
Mrs Richards (Mon-Wed)
Mrs Clarkson (Thu-Fri)
Mrs Tweed
Miss Finlay
Year 2
Miss Horigan
Miss Paterson
Year 3
Miss Marson Mrs Lee
Year 4
Mr Rafiq Ms Patel
Miss Chan
Year 5
Mrs Yaqub Mrs Gough
Year 6
Miss Blackstone
Mr Dunderdale
Mrs Pelc
Mrs Pettman - Headteacher / Safeguarding Lead
Mr Dunderdale - Deputy Headteacher
Mrs Clarkson - SENCo (Special Educational Needs Coordinator)
Mrs Georgeson - Pastoral / Attendance / Behaviour / Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Lee - Learning Mentor
Miss Wisher - Sports and Wellbeing Mentor
Miss Hind - Business Manager  
Miss Barrie - Administrative Assistant 

Lunchtime Staff
Mrs Whittingham, Miss Sorren, Mrs Hussain, Ms Ali, Ms Toska. 
Our delicious lunches are made by: Chef Leanne and Leeds Catering Services
The school is kept clean by: Mrs Whittingham and the cleaning team

As a staff team, we have adopted the Leeds Guidance on Safer Working Practice as our Staff Behaviour Policy.