Pupils  »  Extra Curricular Activites

This year we are offering a variety of extra-curricular activities, giving children lots of opportunities to try new things and encouraging children to become more active.

We have a number of activities on offer during lunchtimes which our Year 5 and 6 Sports Leaders help to run under the supervision of our Sports and Well-being Mentor.Our 3 after-school clubs are run by our Sports and Well-being Mentor and change on a half-termly basis. We also offer small group music lessons delivered by specialist teachers from Art Forms and children have the opportunity to join our amazing choir which is led by Mrs Davis.

Summer 2
  Lunchtime After school
Mon Multi-sports coaching 
Violin Lessons
Girls' Football (Y1, 2 & 3)
Tue Multi-sports coaching  
Athletics (Y5 & 6)
Phonics (Y1)
Wed Multi-sports coaching 
Multisports (Y3 & 4)
Homework Club (Y3 & 4)
Football (Y5 & 6)
Thu Multi-sports coaching  
Guitar Lessons
Phonics (Y2)
Fri Multi-sports coaching  

Summer 1
  Lunchtime After school
Mon Multi-sports coaching 
Violin Lessons
Athletics (Y3 & 4)
Y6 Maths Booster
Y6 Reading Booster
Tue Multi-sports coaching  
Girls' Football (Y4, 5 & 6)
Phonics (Y1)
Wed Multi-sports coaching 
Multisports (Y1 & 2)
Homework Club (Y3 & 4)
Football (Y5 & 6)
Thu Multi-sports coaching  
Guitar Lessons
Phonics (Y2)
Fri Multi-sports coaching  

Spring 2
  Lunchtime After school
Mon Multi-sports coaching 
Violin Lessons
Basketball (Y5 & 6)
Y6 Maths Booster
Y6 Reading Booster
Tue Multi-sports coaching  
Badminton (Y3 & 4)
Phonics (Y1)
Wed Multi-sports coaching 
Girls' Football (Y1, 2 & 3)
Homework Club (Y3 & 4)
Thu Multi-sports coaching  
Guitar Lessons
Homework Club (Y3 & 4)
Phonics (Y2)
Fri Multi-sports coaching  

Spring 1
  Lunchtime After school
Mon Multi-sports coaching 
Violin Lessons
Basketball (Y1 & 2)
Tue Multi-sports coaching  
Badminton (Y5 & 6)
Wed Multi-sports coaching 
Girls' Football (Y4, 5 & 6)
Thu Multi-sports coaching  
Guitar Lessons
Fri Multi-sports coaching  

Autumn 2
  Lunchtime After school
Mon Multi-sports coaching 
Violin Lessons
Girls' Football (Y1, 2 & 3)
Tue Multi-sports coaching  
Tag Rugby (Y3 & 4)
Wed Multi-sports coaching 
Table Tennis (Y5 & 6)
Thu Multi-sports coaching  
Guitar Lessons
Fri Multi-sports coaching  

Autumn 1
  Lunchtime After school
Mon Multi-sports coaching 
Violin Lessons
Girls' Football (Y4,5 & 6)
Tue Multi-sports coaching  
Tag Rugby (Y1 & 2)
Wed Multi-sports coaching 
Table Tennis (Y3 & 4)
Thu Multi-sports coaching  
Guitar Lessons
Fri Multi-sports coaching